
Dr. Yanli (Jeff) Lin

Dr. Lin is a postdoc working with Dr. Todd Braver in the Cognitive Control & Psychopathology Lab at Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL). He received his PhD in clinical psychology from Michigan State University. His research leverages EEG and fMRI to study the brain mechanisms underlying the effects of mindfulness meditation on emotion regulation and cognitive control. As a member of the WUSTL Aging and Development program, Jeff is currently exploring ways to extend his work on mindfulness toward the study of healthy aging. His long-term aspiration is to develop an interdisciplinary research program that intersects the arts and sciences, drawing insights from psychology, neuroscience, religion, and philosophy to advance understanding and treatment of human suffering.

Posts by Dr. Lin


An electrophysiological investigation on the emotion regulatory mechanisms of brief open monitoring meditation in novice non-meditators (Lin et al., 2020)

Despite growing knowledge that mindfulness meditation can enhance emotional wellbeing, very little is known about how it all works. How exactly does the act of meditation help us deal with the emotional rollercoaster of everyday life? Is mindfulness training actually “transferrable” to real world situations? What’s going on in the brain? Can we even measure it?

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